At Brindley Metals we work hard to ensure we give clients easy access to high quality products and services. The range of different types of metal we offer is very broad. Then, we expand our product selection even further by offering various forms. So, if clients need grade 5251 aluminium bar and plate for example, we are the supplier for them.
Before people choose a specific metal for a project they should think about how easy or difficult it is to work with. This could make or break whether the material is suitable or not. It would be unwise to choose a material only to find that it does not respond well to welding, cold forming, machining, and other processes.
An overview of grade 5251 aluminium
There are a number of important things to note about working with this type of aluminium. Firstly is the fact that, like all the other 5000 series grades, the alloys are not heat treatable. Instead they require annealing and rolling to achieve the necessary temper. Grade 5251 usually receives a H22 temper.
It is important to note that this grade of aluminium is medium strength. However, it is still fully bendable and responds well to cold working and forming techniques. Work hardening can become an issue though, so it is vital to prepare for it. The metal can be age softened.
In terms of machining, sadly grade 5251 does not have the best machinability. This is because of the work hardening issue. However, one thing you can do is use a laser cutter if you need to.
Many people worry about how metals will react to welding. In a number of cases it can be tricky to get a strong, high quality weld. Luckily, there is no concern about this with 5251. You can use multiple techniques, including resistance, gas, or arc. That gives you more options for working with it.
A final thing to note about this type of aluminium is how many options there are for finishing it. Some people opt for polishing to highlight the silvery colour. Alternatively you could choose anodising. This creates a thicker oxide layer around the metal. There are several choices here, including coatings with dyes to give them colour. Finally, you could select powder coating and even more options in terms of the colours.
Supplying grade 5251 aluminium bar and plate
Brindley Metals has a great reputation for sourcing high quality products. We work with the top producers to make sure we can offer consistent standards. That means our customers can have confidence when they order from us.
The grade 5251 aluminium bar and plate we offer is suitable for a huge array of applications. It is especially good for marine products because of the high corrosion resistance.
If you want to order high quality metals you can contact us. We are happy to offer more details and can assist if you are unsure what specific grade, temper, or finish to choose.