Brindley Metals excels at providing customers with first rate materials. We take things a step further too by offering help with specialist services. This includes titanium alloy machining and more. So, no matter what your needs are, our expert team will be able to help you meet them.
In the modern day manufacturing industry, titanium and its alloys have made their way into all kinds of applications. This includes firearms, vehicles, medical, and aerospace. The metal has resistance to chemicals and rust. It is also very strong for its weight, and you can recycle it. However, there is a downside; you need to think about several obstacles when machining it. You have to choose the right parameters and tools for your work.
Understanding workholding
In order to overcome these issues, it is vital for you to understand them first. We will begin with workholding. Titanium may possess more desirable characteristics than standard steel. However, it behaves in a more flexible manner. It is often not that rigid if you compare to other metals. This calls for a secure grip with workpieces. You also need as rigid a machine setup as you can manage.
Some additional considerations include circumventing interrupted cuts. You must keep your tool in motion at all times of contact with your workpiece too. Stopping a tool next to a profiled wall or dwelling in a drilled hole is going to cause the utensil to rub. This shall produce excess heat, work-hardening your material, and leading to premature tool wear. You need to be on top of this to be successful with titanium alloy machining.
There is a lot of heat here
Next, we have heat generation. It can be quite the problem with titanium. As a result, it is something you must consider when choosing feeds and speeds.
Commercially pure titanium grades may be gummier and softer than the majority of its alloys. However, adding in alloying elements usually increases titanium’s hardness. This increases the worries surrounding tool wear and heat.
By avoiding unneeded rubbing and preserving a bigger chipload, you can assist the tool performance with the harder alloys. This will also lower the level of work hardening. By selecting a lower RPM, and a bigger chipload, you will be able to see a substantial reduction in temperature. This is if you compare to other high speed options. Keeping temperatures low shall also place less stress on your tool and lower wear.
Tackling galling and built-up edge
Titanium has a habit of adhering to a cutting utensil, producing built up edge. This is a difficult problem that you can reduce by using a lot of high pressure coolant precisely at the cutting surface. Your goal here needs to be removing chips at the first given opportunity to stop chip re-cutting. You also need to keep the flutes free of debris.
Due to the gummy nature of the metal, galling is a major issue with titanium’s commercially pure grades. You can address this using the same strategies above. If you require first rate titanium alloy machining, make sure you give us a call.
What to do?
The main concerns with machining titanium and the alloys can change. Yet, the strategies for minimising them are fairly constant. The primary goals are to prevent tool or workpiece deflection, work hardening, heat generation, and galling. Use a decent level of coolant at high pressure and utilise a very rigid setup. Also, you must keep the tool in motion when it encounters the workpiece. You will also need to keep feeds up and speeds down.
Work with our team when you need titanium alloy machining
At Brindley Metals, we provide some of the most competitively priced products and services available in the UK. In addition, we offer guidance and advice on both. This ensures that people have a better idea of what it is they are purchasing. Ultimately, we make sure they can complete their projects.
So, if you require any help with titanium alloy machining or ordering metals, you are free to contact us.