What are the best aluminium alloys for anodisation?

We are an establishment that provides a wide range of metal products. This includes brasses and yellow metals, as well as high purity silver goods like titanium. In addition, we have plenty of grade 7075 aluminium bar and plate merchandise. With so many metals so readily available, you will easily be able to find a suitable option for your applications.

It is a fact that numerous aluminium grades come with decent appearance and corrosion resistance. However, in many cases, end users find that they have to enhance these characteristics. This is doable through the anodising process. It increases the level of aluminium oxide on the metal’s exterior. As a result, it has the effect of amplifying the metal’s capacity to change its appearance and stop corrosion.

Anodisation can help you with many things

Anodised aluminium is perfect for all sorts of endeavours in the construction and architectural industries. The colours you get here don’t fade or peel following sunlight exposure. They are very good for many commercial, industrial, and consumer applications. Examples include construction items for vents, window frames, doors, building exteriors, and more.

Some aluminium alloys take to anodising better than others do though. It all depends on the elements and volume of them in the alloy. It can lead to coatings with some very different traits. Certain ones are more desirable than others. The series 7XXX, 6XXX, and 5XXX series aluminium alloys are the most suitable for anodisation.

The 7XXX alloys

Zinc is the main alloying element employed in this series. It responds to the anodising operation extremely well. Your oxide layer shall be clear. It will also provide first class protection against corrosion. Should the zinc level become too big, the oxide layer can shift to a brown colour. Contact our team if you require grade 7075 aluminium bar and plate products.

The 6XXX series

These alloys have silicon and magnesium in them. This is another good choice for the anodisation procedure. The oxide layer shall supply excellent protection and it will be transparent in its appearance. In addition to being a good anodising candidate, people like using the 6XXX series for structural needs. This is due to its mechanical properties.

The 5XXX alloys

Here, you alloy aluminium with manganese. After anodisation, the alloys gain a strong, clear oxide layer. Thus, the 5XXX alloy series is a decent choice for anodising. However, there are some things you need to remember with these materials. For instance, you need to keep specific alloying elements inside certain ranges, like manganese and silicone. The kind of anodisation process you use here is also significant as it can have an impact on the final colour.

Make the right choices

On the majority of aluminium alloys, the practice of anodising can increase the aluminium oxide layer’s size. What you must do is ensure the degree of protection will meet the necessary level for the specific alloy you are using. You can achieve it by using the right method of anodisation.

Not to mention, when the process is over, the aluminium oxide layer could leave behind an ugly colour. It could be yellow, brown, or dark grey. Since this is the case, you again must ensure that you are using the most suitable alloys and know what kind of finish to expect.

Contact us for the finest Grade 7075 aluminium bar and plate

At Brindley Metals, we make sure that our team can always supply first rate metal items. We only stock quality goods from reliable producers. This is the case even with hard to source materials.

As specialists in our industry, customers can rely on us to supply resources that meet all of their specifications. This could be grade 7075 aluminium bar and plate goods or something else. So, if there is anything we can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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