We are proud to supply a wide range of metals and metal products to UK clients. Then, with the correct merchandise in hand, our customers can make progress with their projects easily. Some may need aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111) goods. Others will need something else. Rest assured that we can cater for many needs with our broad range.
If you have yet to consider aluminium 5754 plate, you should start doing so. For those that don’t know, these are anti-corrosion sheets. They are similar to other aluminium magnesium alloys. Examples would be 5052, 5086, and 5083. But, there are some vital distinctions. What we are going to do is discuss key physical characteristics of 5754 sheets. Afterwards, we will talk about some of the applications.
Aluminium 5754’s features
To start off, 5754 aluminium sheet has moderate strength. If you compare to 5083 sheets, it isn’t as strong. However, it is stronger than 5251 aluminium plates.
Another fact is that 5754 is an excellent variant for anti corrosion purposes. Corrosion resistance is a standard advantage of the whole 5000 series, but this one is especially good. As a result, it has a lot of uses in the marine industry.
These particular aluminium sheets have exceptional tensile strength too. It is capable of reaching 200-295MPa. This is superior to what you can get with 5052. Separate tempers can increase the strength too. However, you can’t go wrong with aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111).
We now know a little about the characteristics of 5754, so we can move onto the uses.
Tank making
In modern times, there are more people using aluminium alloys for tanks. Tank manufacturers often choose it as a replacement for steel. Yet, you may not know what the advantages are here. Specifically, it is ideal to use 5754 over the likes of 3003 or 1050 aluminium. Let’s see why.
For one thing, the 5754 aluminium alloy is lightweight. A key part of tank manufacturing is decreasing the tank’s weight. As a result, this aluminium is perfect for making the container light.
In addition, 5754 aluminium has higher strength than 3000 series and 1000 series alloys. It is far more appropriate for tank manufacturing.
Like we said before, 5754 is also anti corrosion. It is a great option for liquid or liquefied gas as you won’t need protective layers inside.
Lastly, using 5754 aluminium for tank production can save you money. The alloy sheet is recyclable. It could be that you need to replace your container with a new one after a long time of service. In this case, you can recycle the old metal. The result will be lower expenses.
Aluminium for car bodies
Another application for the aluminium is the production of car bodies. Specifically, it is 5754 (H111) that is exceptional here. The price tag in comparison to standard galvanised steel is far higher. For this reason, it is not typically for manufacturing low and middle-end cars. Instead, it tends to be the favourite for high end models. Let us know if you need aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111) products.
A big advantage here though is you lower the car’s weight. This is without minimising the car’s capacity. The centre of gravity of its body will be lower. What you end up with is a vehicle that’s more comfortable and stable.
Due to aluminium’s wonderful energy absorption capabilities, there are collision safety benefits too. The deformation zone at the front of the car shall create wrinkles when there is an impact. This can absorb a substantial amount of force. The driver and their passengers behind will be safer
Compared to 5052 aluminium, hardness is somewhat lower with 5754 (H111). But, its toughness is better. That is great news for vehicles.
Come to us for quality aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111)
At Brindley Metals, we aim to consistently provide customers with the highest quality goods. In addition, we make sure that the prices are reasonable. Deliveries are also quick. Thanks to our experience, we can meet each customer’s needs easily. Furthermore, it allows us to assist with many aspects of metal processing and treatments.
So, if you need aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111), please come to us. We have a range of sizes to cater for various projects.