There are many different ways to cut materials. Wire erosion is one of the most interesting and can provide a number of advantages. For example, it is efficient, suitable for hard or delicate products, and can create complex shapes or patterns. There are a number of important facts to keep in mind though. Let’s look at them.
Conductive metals
The most crucial thing here is the cutting is for conductive metals. This includes steels, titanium, aluminium, copper, and others. It works by creating a spark between the workpiece and a brass wire. So, if the metal is not conductive, the spark won’t be drawn to the workpiece. You also need to ensure that the material does not have a non-conductive coating as it will cause the same issue. Impurities can be a problem too.
This cutting method won’t be suitable if there is heavy corrosion on the materials. The oxide layer can stop the sparking, the same way a non-conductive coating does. Therefore, you should ensure iron or steel has minimal corrosion.
A great advantage with wire erosion is you can use it to cut thick or thin materials. Typically the thickness can be as much as 150mm. That is quite impressive, ensuring it is a good option for thick metal sheets, strips, blocks, or rods.
You need to take care with thinner materials though. While there is no contact between the wire and workpiece, deformation can happen. A good idea is to sandwich thin materials in layers to make them more rigid and reduce the chance they will deform.
The fact you can layer materials offers another fantastic benefit; it means you can cut stacks at the same time. For example, you could have multiple sheets of steel. You need to think about the maximum thickness here though. Plus, cutting time will increase as the stack does.
Some people have concerns about wire erosion and think it will burn the material. Luckily, the technique ensures there is only a very small heat affected zone (HAZ). It remains very localised in the cutting area. This doesn’t just ensure there won’t be burning; it also means there won’t be work hardening.
The only thing you need to think about here is tarnishing. There will be a small amount on the surface of the workpiece in the cutting area. However, it won’t be excessive and is easy to remove in most cases.
Do you want to arrange wire erosion?
Brindley Metals is proud to supply a wide array of different materials, including various types of steel, titanium, aluminium, and more. We can also arrange services for cutting and polishing. Clients can speak to us and get friendly advice about a huge array of applications.
So, speak to us if you need materials, wire erosion, and more.