There’s a lot to watch out for with aluminium plates

When you’re working with defective aluminium plates, it can be irritating. Faulty goods can influence your business and production processes. Moreover, they result in wasted time and resources. Defects tend to manifest in certain places and forms. We’re going to discuss some of them to give you an idea of what you’re up against. Then, if you need quality aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111), you can speak to us.

Transport scars

The first problem we have is transport scars. During handling and transportation, the surfaces of aluminium plates can come into contact with each other. Because of vibration, they can rub for prolonged periods, causing black scars to appear. To help stop this, you should package plates carefully for transport. Ensure you prevent sheet movement and loose bundling.

Copper diffusion

During heat treatment, copper atoms within some aluminium alloys diffuse. The result is yellow-ish browning spots, something that’s detrimental to corrosion resistance. Improper heat treatment parameters, too many repeated heat treatments, and improper edge rolling during hot rolling can cause the fault. To stop this, you must use the correct heat treatment methods.

Emulsion marks

Residual blackish or milky-white streaks, spots, or patches of emulsion can show up on the sheet’s exterior. These reduce corrosion resistance and influence surface roughness. Here, the emulsion wasn’t correctly blown off during hot rolling. Excessive hot rolling temperatures also result in emulsion sintering. Because of the high viscosity of emulsion as well, it can stick to the plate during rolling. If you need quality aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111) products, give us a call.


Next, we’ll be looking at a few different types of stains, starting with nitrate ones. During salt bath quenching, nitrate residues on the plate exteriors show up as irregular white patches. They lower corrosion resistance. Said patches appear due to insufficient washing following quenching. Another cause is inadequate cleaning before polishing. Nitrate stains stay on the exterior of the plates. To avoid it, make sure you clean everything thoroughly before polishing and quenching.

Another flaw is oil stains. They are rolling oil residue left on the exterior following cold rolling. When sintered at high temperatures, the plates form red or brown streaks on the exterior, altering the aesthetics. When subject to annealing, residual lubricating oil on the sheet also causes sintering marks on the plate surface. Examine and clean residual lubricating oil before annealing.

The last stain on this list is water stains. They remain on quenched areas of the plate exterior. When pressed, they leave light black or light white marks, influencing aesthetics. These come about due to poor water quality and the incomplete drying. Before polishing, ensure you wipe away any residual water. Speak to us if you want aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111).

Dull surfacing

Here, your aluminium plate will appear unattractive and dull. This problem occurs due to excessive rolling temperature, and poor lubricating and fluid performance. Other causes include excessive dirt and insufficient surface roughness of your rolling rolls.

Bright streaks

These are irregular bright streaks of differing lengths and widths. They exist because of uneven surface roughness. Causes of the issue include inadequate process lubrication and poor quality roller grinding. They also happen when you roll narrow material before rolling wider materials.

Small black spots

These are black spots or streaks that appear on the exterior. They affect aesthetics and corrosion resistance. Causes include surface scratches on the aluminium plate, poor emulsion stability, and bad emulsion lubrication. Get in touch if you want to order aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111).

Hidden trails

This is parallel rolling direction gloss deviation that happens on the wide plate when switching from a narrow plate. The trails show up continuously on both sides of your plate, affecting aesthetics. It’s a problem caused by the transfer of adherent materials from the working rolls in contact with the rolled material’s edges to your plate. To prevent this, change the rolling sequence from wide to narrow, or replace the rolls.

Knife marks

These are traces left on the exterior because of the transfer of grinding wheel marks. This affects the aesthetics. Managing the grinding wheel feed rate, wheel speed, and roll grinding processing conditions will help. As will grinding the wheels when dressing.

Gets the best aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111)

At Brindley Metals, we ensure that each customer receives high quality merchandise. Additionally, we offer competitive pricing on all goods. We’re friendly and professional too; this leads to a very pleasant experience for everyone that works with us.

So, if you’re after aluminium sawn plate 5754 (H111), you can rely on us. We also stock many other materials, including some that you rarely find in the UK.

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