Forming Grade 6AL4V titanium

One of the greatest things about working with Brindley Metals is we can offer a range of products in different forms. For example we have titanium round bar and plate, including Grade 6AL4V (Grade 5). In addition, we have various other metal alloys in bars, sheets, blocks, and more. We can even provide many machined components.

When it comes to deciding what grade of titanium to use, it is wise to think about forming. This is important as different grades will have unique levels of formability. The last thing you want to do is choose an alloy that won’t work for you.

Grade 6AL4V (Grade 5) forming

The fact that this form of titanium is available in bars as well as plate really helps improve how many applications it is useful for. The plates are great for all kinds of fabrication, including forging assembly. The bars on the other hand are perfect for creating fasteners, springs, and more.

A crucial thing to keep in mind is there are limits on how much you can cold work the titanium. If you are only working at room temperature there will be a limit on the minimum bend radius. The proof/tensile gap is also quite narrow. Plus, you must plan for springback.

Luckily, it is possible to improve the formability of the titanium by moderately heating it. A working temperature of up to 700 degrees Celsius can improve the dimensional accuracy and reduce springback.

It is also possible to superplastically form the titanium if it has fine grain. This requires heating to between 900 and 950 degrees Celsius and will need sufficient time and pressure. The reward is negligible springback and the ability to create very tight radii.

When do you need titanium round bar and plate?

Brindley Metals works hard to keep as many materials in stock as we can. To achieve this we arrange regular deliveries from suppliers all over the world. As a result, we can generally fulfil orders very quickly. This is something our clients appreciate.

So, if you want to order Grade 6AL4V (Grade 5) titanium, you can contact us. We offer round bar and plate in various sizes. You can even ask us for advice if you are unsure which would be best for your application.

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