Key considerations for titanium parts

Titanium forged and machined parts find use in all kinds of applications. Examples include spacecraft, naval vessels, aircraft, heat exchangers, and valves. There are plenty of different grades, but key characteristics include high strength and low density. These distinct features make titanium perfect for many forms of work.

Titanium has plenty of strengths

One of the main advantages is titanium’s strength. It is among the most durable and strongest materials on Earth. For this reason, it’s ideal for many kinds of industrial projects. In truth, titanium comes with the greatest strength-to-density ratio of any of the periodic table’s elements. When unalloyed, it also rivals steel in strength but isn’t as dense. So, many professionals favour it.

Another essential benefit is titanium’s natural resistance to corrosion and rust. When metal gets exposed to moisture and air, it activates a chemical process called oxidation. This can subsequently lead to corrosion. Thankfully, specific metals are resistant to it naturally, including titanium. Whether you use it outdoors or indoors, it’ll hold for years without succumbing to corrosion or rust.

As you can see, there is a lot to love about titanium. However, you are not going to experience this for very long if you don’t look after it. Handling and processing the materials demands you follow specific considerations. This will help you prevent harm and ensure the integrity of titanium forged and machined parts.

No chlorinated solvents

Titanium and its alloys are vulnerable to stress-corrosion cracking when encountering chloride residues. Thus, you shouldn’t clean them using chlorinated solvents. Examples of these are methyl chloride and trichloroethylene. What you should do is use non-chlorinated solvents like alcohol or acetone. Alkaline solutions work for cleaning too.

Perform proper cleaning and drying

Titanium parts need thorough cleaning to dispose of contaminants. Removing lead and sulphur is especially important. The two attack the metal during heating. Following cleaning, you should dry the parts completely before heat treatment. Do this to stop volatilisation of water and solvents. These can degrade furnace performance.

Ensure you have a controlled atmosphere

Controlling the atmosphere is necessary for heat treatment to stop contamination. It also ensures that the titanium alloy retains its characteristics. Something like this is especially important in industries where you need high-performance titanium forged and machined parts. The nuclear power, chemical, and automotive industries all need these.

Do preventative maintenance

Frequent preventative maintenance of any gear you use for processing titanium is wise. This will ensure reliability and safety. Make sure to include training in troubleshooting and carefully design maintenance programs. Tailor them to suit the processing applications.

Take precautions during operation

Safety precautions also need to be taken during operation. Operators need to be careful to avoid the entanglement of loose hair or clothing. At the same time, they must avoid rotating parts. Extra caution is necessary when handling air-reactive materials under vacuum conditions. Leaks can result in violent reactions.

Environmental and health safety

Vacuum heat treatment of titanium, as well as refractory metals, needs doing in a certain way. This must prevent pollution and guarantee a safe working environment. At the same time, it has to avoid public hazards. Moreover, the process needs to eradicate the risk of hydrogen embrittlement.

We’ll cater to your needs for titanium forged and machined parts

At Brindley Metals, we’re always ready to help customers meet their metal requirements. Some will need titanium for various parts. Others will need something else like steel, aluminium, brass, or specialist alloys. Whatever the case, we’ll see to it that you get what you need.

So, feel free to speak to us if there’s anything we can help you with.

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